Instructions for Authors


1. The submission of a paper implies the author's assurance that the paper has not been published and that it has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. 

Once a paper is accepted, authors have to submit copyrights of the paper over to the publisher.

Author have to submit his/her article along with the plagiarism report and  self declaration that article is not submitted in any other journal for the publication. 

Accepting and Rejecting the articles in the journal is Sole Right of Publisher and Editor. 

Multiple article from the same Authors will not be consider in the journal. 

If Author delayed in sending the article in style of the GSA as per given in the web site or 
corrected galley proof in a period of 3 days then article will not be consider for the publication and the amount paid by the author will be refunded. 

Authors have to submit Copy Right form duly signed by all authors with in 10 days time after the article is selected in the journal. Failure in submitting the copy right form with in mention date will lead to rejection of article.

2. The manuscript should be written in English. Submit the PDF file of your paper electronically either to the Editor-in-Chief at or to a member of the Editorial Board.


3. Papers should be limited to 25 pages except for expository articles. The first page should contain the title, full name(s) and address(es) of the author(s), an abstract of at most 150 words, keywords and phrases, and 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification.


4. List references in alphabetical order and use the following styles. The first style is for proceedings articles, the second is for journal articles, and the third is for books:


1. Gross, L.: Abstract Wiener spaces, in: Proc. 5th Berkeley Symp. Math. Stat. and Probab. 2, part 1 (1965) 31--42, University of California Press, Berkeley.

2. Ito, K.: Stochastic integral, Proc. Imp. Acad. Tokyo 20 (1944) 519--524.

3. McKean, H. P.: Stochastic Integrals, Academic Press, New York, 1969.

Manuscript should be formatted as LaTeX files.

In AMS-LaTeX, use the command \documentclass{amsart} as shown on page 3 of the User's Guide to AMS-LaTeX, Version 1.1, published by the American Mathematical Society.

In LaTeX 2e, use \documentclass{article} as shown on page 19 of Lamport's book Latex User's Guide & Reference Manual, 2nd Edition

In LaTeX 2.09, use the command \documentstyle{article} as shown on page 21 of Lamport's book Latex User's Guide & Reference Manual.

AMS-TeX and plain TeX files may be submitted. However, once the manuscript is accepted, it will be formated as AMS-LaTeX file and the author may be asked to help with the reformatting.

Please keep the number of macros (\def, \newcommand) to the minimum possible, please use standard TeX macros rather than your personal macros (i.e., use \omega instead of \om).

Graphics can be included as PNG or JPG or PDF or EPS files. Also using the picture environment in LaTeX. From the main document input figures through the commands \usepackage{graphicx} \includegraphics{fig1} . Please do not use PSFRAG, because pdflatex does not recognize its commands.

5. Upon acceptance of a paper, the corresponding author will be requested to use the GSA format file (which can be downloaded below) to prepare the LaTex file of the paper. Then send the LaTex and PDF files of the paper to the Editor-in-Chief at .

JMCSA format style in Latex and PDF

