International Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations and Applications
Volume 5, Number 1 January-June (2019)
1. Hopfield-type neural networks systems with piecewise constant argument
Author: M. U. Akhmet, E. Yılmaz DOWNLOAD
2. Creating a chaos in a system with relay
Author: M. U. Akhmet DOWNLOAD
3. Successive approximation technique for investigation of solutions of
some linear boundary
value problems for functional-differential equations with
special deviation of argument
Author: Andras Ronto,, Miklos Ronto DOWNLOAD
4. On the fundamental solution of a linear delay differential equation
Author: Tibor Krisztin DOWNLOAD
5. Global stability and bifurcations in a delayed discrete population model
Author: Eduardo Liz DOWNLOAD
6. Preservation of bifurcations under Runge-Kutta methods
Author: Lajos Loczi, Joseph Paez Chavez DOWNLOAD