International Journal of Computational
Vision and Biomechanics
1. Comparison between Metallic and Allograft Knee
Prosthesis Using Musculoskeletal Modeling
Author: Moataz Eltoukhy, Shihab Asfour and ArzuOnar-Thomas DOWNLOAD
2. Various Aspects of a Structured Motion Database for Efficient Human Motion Recognition
Author: S. M. Ashik Eftakhar, Joo Kooi Tan, Hyoungseop
Kim and Seiji Ishikawa DOWNLOAD
3. FPGA Implementation of a Real-time Disparity Map
Author: N. Baha and S. Larabi DOWNLOAD
4. Minimal Path Techniques for Automatic Extraction of
Microglia Extensions
Author: Youssef Rouchdy, Laurent D. Cohen, Olivier Pascual and Alain Bessis DOWNLOAD